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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Can I improve my chances of winning the Green Card Lottery? – You Can! U.S.A Green Card Lottery program

(Diversity Visa) is an annual opportunity for people around the globe to enter the United States of America to live, work and study. Through this U.S.A Green Card Lottery program, every year, close to 50,000 Diversity Visas (DV) is offered to people who meet the green card lottery program requirements. Winning a green card means the right to legally reside within the United States with a whole lot of benefits almost equivalent to that of an American citizen. And cross the U.S. border freely.

Even if the opportunity to register for Green Card Lottery is right at your doorstep, there are many green card requirements to meet and strict green card rules to get through. Your chances of winning a green card are based on your eligibility and your luck factor.
The very first of the Green Card requirements is asking that you belong to the list of countries that are eligible to participate in the U.S.A Green Card Lottery program (Diversity Visa Program). It should be noted that your country of current residence will not considered, but your country of birth. If you are born in an eligible country, but reside in an ineligible country, you are still allowed to file a Green Card Lottery application. If you are born in an ineligible country, but if your spouse or parents belong to the eligible country, you can still participate in the U.S.A Green Card Lottery program.

If you are married, and you both are from country which is eligible to register for Green Card Lottery program, you can double your chances of winning by registering individual application for each spouse.

The next deciding aspect lies in the accuracy of your Green Card Lottery application form. You should always be aware of the fact that the green card process requires that your application form is free from errors and meets all standards of the U.S. Immigration Department. The green card rules demand that all questions are answered clearly and honestly in order to increase your chances of winning a green card. For those whose first communication language is not English are more prone to committing mistakes in filling out the Green Card Lottery application form.

DVisa Help founder
Guntar V.

Even those who have a good command over the language can commit mistakes, because many tend to overlook something or miss essential information during the green card application process. All these issues might result in your elimination from the U.S.A Green Card Lottery program. Therefore it is always advisable to seek professional guidance from experts like DVisa Help to help you fill up the application form precisely so that you stand a better chance of winning a green card.

DVisa Help is a group of professionals who are well trained in U.S. Immigration expectations and in assessing application forms to sort out mistakes, if any. These professionals will review your application to verify whether all the required information is provided correctly and if there is any missing critical information. The green card rules also specify requirements with respect to the photograph you submit, and DVisa Help professionals will verify whether your photograph meets the green card requirements.

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