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Sunday, September 11, 2011

DV 2013 Lottery

DV-2013 American Green card lottery program is going to take place in this year 2011. As usual the visa lottery program will allow people from eligible countries to participate if they meet the education and/or working experience along with the other requirements. Participating DV-2013 visa lottery program is the best way to immigrate to the United States of America with less education in shorter period if you are a lucky person.

You can register for the DV-2013 Diversity Visa Program from Tuesday, October 4, 2011, at noon, EDT, (GMT-4), and it will close on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, at noon, EST, (GMT-5).

Join now, the DV Lottery Club to get all your DV Lottery questions answered.
Click Here.

The DV-2013 can be participated by both single and married people. Thos married people must participate in the lottery along with their spouse and all their children who are not married and must be under the age of 21 years. Those children who had turned out 21 must apply alone as individual.

Those spouses who have the eligibility requirements too can send one DV 2013 application form as primary applicant along with spouse and eligible children.

So an eligible couple can send two entries for the dv2013 visa lottery program in the fiscal year program.

The primary applicant must be more than the age of 18 as to meet the educational requirements.

Education requirements for the DV2013 requests the applicant to have passed the high school degree or more after following junior and senior education for 12 years and should have successfully passed the examination with the compulsory subjects.

For work experience should have 2 years of experience within the last 5 years after studying/learning the skill for 2 years to perform it and it should be accepted by the American DOL. Most third world country people didn't succeed through the work experience at their interview.

The entire applicant's must upload their individual digital photo files taken according to the instructions along with their personal in formation in the DV2013 application form.

The 2013 DV Lottery application form will be available for a period of 30 days only. in the American Government's official web site.

The application form must be filled and submitted back within the given 60 minutes time period. If you can't does it in the given time get a new one and fill it and upload it in time.

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